Casual Life Update 05

It’s been a veeeery long time since I’ve even looked at my blog. I always think about it but lose my motivation to post anything lol. Not a whole lot has happened since January except my partner got a frenchi :> shameless plug but you can go look so see how cute he is >@alienfrogbaby< He has a longer body and snout and a lil heart shaped nose with big nostrils so no breathing issues :>

I’ve also officially started my journey of building my own PC. I wanted an itx case and originally really wanted the fractal design case in terra jade since it fits my overall desk setup aesthetic but it’s not really practical for what I want. So I ended up getting the NR200P case which should be coming in a couple weeks. It’s a little bigger than what I wanted but I still think it’s a good size. I’m gonna have to rearrange some things to find space for it.. but I can’t wait to start a new bg3 campaign on it :’) and finally get to play modded skyrim. I also finally bought a steamdeck this year and upgraded the SSD and everything, and of course a few months after I buy it after wanting it since launch they released an upgraded version lol I was so mad, there was all this talk that there was no way they’d release something so soon and them bam ;-; but I spent way too much time modding and uploading all of my emulation games (which was SUCH a hassle, I still have a lot to fix) to upgrade. I always want to do unboxing videos etc for all these things but I get so lazy lol. I did one for the benq light for funsies just to try it out and it’s just so much effort.

Another thing I’m also very excited about is my Ricoh GR lll that came in a couple months ago. I wanted it mostly to try out some street photography and as a daily camera. I love my a6700 but some of my favorite lenses (16mm I’m talking to you) are too bulky and heavy for daily use. My cousin and I went to a Renaissance faire recently and took my Ricoh. I don’t hate how the photos came out but I def still have to get used to the camera and settings. I have a hard time adjusting to the snap focus, which should theoretically make things easier lol. What drew me to the Ricoh originally was the ability to use presets and make your own film recipes. I have a few favorites that I have set but they didn’t really come out how I wanted them to. I ended up just editing the raws in Lr, so the batch below are my favorite ones.

(Looks like there’s been some changes to wordpress because now I can’t use a gallery to display my photos and just shows them one after another, which is actually really annoying :/ WordPress and Blogger make me want to rip my hair out. Idk why they couldn’t keep it how it was ;-; )



《 ▸ 》c u r r e n t l y p l a y i n g :

LE SSERAFIM  // perfect night

That’s all I got! I have a whole bag of empties so maybe I’ll post some of my favorites..



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